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15 Jan 2011

Love your path. Without this, nothing makes any sense

Welcome to 2011,

An interesting article from Paulo Coelho's blog and I like the final rule about loving your path.

Having decided to leave the relative safety of a good organisation, in 2011 I've put myself out into the wider world. I've been here before back in 2003 - 2005 I ran my own small niche consultancy and in the end it didn't work for me........SO what I ask myself will have to be different this time. How will I ensure that I feed the family, keep myself sane, stay on the creative edge, connect with the right people and not find myself wasting my time on interesting conversations.....although of interest. How will I deal with my own failings, the fear of being rejected and the loneliness that is often associated with the start up phase of creating a new idea, organisation or seeking to find a new way of living your professional and personal life.

I think the fears, concerns and issues that I talk of above are a common part of going on the entrepreneurial journey, your authentic journey, where one follows their version of a truth, often called authenticity and what Tim 'Mac' Macartney the invisible path. This is about finding yourself, if like me you know on some deeply personal level that you need to start sharing your voice and ideas and that you have to get out there to really experience the world, then I hope this blog may become a resource.

Over the course of the next year I'm intent on sharing my warts and all story, the success, my failings and 'failures' or lessons. February see's me heading to India to interview, meet, observe and experience real social entrepreneurship in action. It's a risk that I personally have to take, without such a journey I'm always going to be left questioning and wondering what the hell has this journey been about, knowing intuitively that you aren't getting the most out of life or even giving enough back to life in the end it has to become the motive force, it has to challenge us to be our bigger self, to be more than we were yesterday and to find your new way.

We've heard that its about being the change that you want to see in the world...I think its time we evolved this insight to say that you have to lead the change, being and being alone is impotent it lacks the necessary action, drive and determination that it takes to make real change happen!
My original organisation was named 'lifelessordinary' and 2011 feels like it's about really understanding what that means for me and my's no longer simply about money alone, this year has to be about finding deep meaning and purpose in my life, conceiving a vision, having the balls to move towards that vision and then using your energy and discipline to focus to make something change and real in our world.....

The invisible path is not easy and then again the road less travelled would never be if it was always going to be easy......!


Nick Robinson said...

Congratulations on deciding to create the change Darren. Good post too, enervating. If you know Embercombe, have you done New Warrior there?

Darren Robson said...

Thanks Nick. I've been to Embercombe a few times I haven't seen that course. Tend to hang out in a Yurt, make food and plan ideas with Mac

Nick Robinson said...

Hah, that's the way to do it. And look at the stars, which are unbelievable from there on a clear night!

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