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16 May 2010

Mindset of the CEO

I'm pleased to say that after 9 months of interviews we are now releasing the first set of interviews from the Mindset of the CEO series (

It's been fascinating to get to meet with some top CEOs and to hear what makes them tick. Over the course of the next few months we will be releasing answers to the questions and providing further insight pieces to hightlight the learning from the first of the 30 interviews.

What is interesting to note is that all of the CEOs have a focus on driving through the business success, they were less interested in the wider impact on society and the Earth. Not suprising in many ways they had a clear focus on ensuring they have a sustainable business, short sighted in some ways due to the potential impact this has on talent, society and the planet upon which all short, medium and long term success will be dependent upon.

We need new forms of CEOs and leaders who see the wider interconnectedness of the system and can bring together all of the factors for a sustainable planet, profit and people focused model.

More to come. D


neilperkin said...

Blog is looking good Darren. And the CEO videos look excellent. I shall be taking a look through those. Hope all's good with you :-)

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